GitLab 流水线架构
- 基本:适用于所有配置都集中在一个易于找到的地方的简单项目。
- 有向无环图:适用于需要高效执行的大型复杂项目。
- 父子流水线:适用于具有大量独立定义组件的 monorepos 和项目。
这是极狐GitLab 中最简单的流水线。它同时运行构建阶段的所有内容,一旦所有这些都完成,它会以相同的方式运行测试阶段的所有内容,依此类推。 这不是最有效的,如果您有很多步骤,它会变得非常复杂,但更容易维护:
stages: - build - test - deploy image: alpine build_a: stage: build script: - echo "This job builds something." build_b: stage: build script: - echo "This job builds something else." test_a: stage: test script: - echo "This job tests something. It will only run when all jobs in the" - echo "build stage are complete." test_b: stage: test script: - echo "This job tests something else. It will only run when all jobs in the" - echo "build stage are complete too. It will start at about the same time as test_a." deploy_a: stage: deploy script: - echo "This job deploys something. It will only run when all jobs in the" - echo "test stage complete." environment: production deploy_b: stage: deploy script: - echo "This job deploys something else. It will only run when all jobs in the" - echo "test stage complete. It will start at about the same time as deploy_a." environment: production
如果效率对您很重要,并且您希望一切都尽可能快地运行,则可以使用有向无环图(DAG)。 使用 needs 关键字 定义作业之间的依赖关系。当系统知道您的作业之间的关系时,它可以尽可能快地运行所有内容,甚至在可能的情况下跳到后续阶段。
在下面的示例中,如果 build_a 和 test_a 比 build_b 和 test_b 快得多,即使 build_b 仍在运行,系统也会启动 deploy_a。
stages: - build - test - deploy image: alpine build_a: stage: build script: - echo "This job builds something quickly." build_b: stage: build script: - echo "This job builds something else slowly." test_a: stage: test needs: [build_a] script: - echo "This test job will start as soon as build_a finishes." - echo "It will not wait for build_b, or other jobs in the build stage, to finish." test_b: stage: test needs: [build_b] script: - echo "This test job will start as soon as build_b finishes." - echo "It will not wait for other jobs in the build stage to finish." deploy_a: stage: deploy needs: [test_a] script: - echo "Since build_a and test_a run quickly, this deploy job can run much earlier." - echo "It does not need to wait for build_b or test_b." environment: production deploy_b: stage: deploy needs: [test_b] script: - echo "Since build_b and test_b run slowly, this deploy job will run much later." environment: production
- 分阶段结构,一个阶段中的所有步骤必须在下一阶段的第一个作业开始之前完成,这会导致等待,从而减慢速度。
- 单一全局流水线的配置变得难以管理。
- 使用 include 的导入会增加配置的复杂性,并可能导致无意中重复作业的命名空间冲突。
- 流水线 UX 有太多的作业和阶段需要处理。
此外,有时流水线的行为需要更加动态。选择启动(或不启动)子流水线的能力是一项强大的能力,尤其是在动态生成 YAML 的情况下。
父子流水线将配置分成多个文件,使事情变得更简单。 您可以将父子流水线与以下结合:
- rules 关键字:例如,仅在该区域发生更改时才触发子流水线。
- include 关键字:引入常见行为,确保您不会重复自己。
- 子流水线内部的 DAG 流水线,获取两者的所有优势。
stages: - triggers trigger_a: stage: triggers trigger: include: a/.gitlab-ci.yml rules: - changes: - a/* trigger_b: stage: triggers trigger: include: b/.gitlab-ci.yml rules: - changes: - b/* 示例子流水线 a 配置,位于 /a/.gitlab-ci.yml 中,使用 DAG needs 关键字: stages: - build - test - deploy image: alpine build_a: stage: build script: - echo "This job builds something." test_a: stage: test needs: [build_a] script: - echo "This job tests something." deploy_a: stage: deploy needs: [test_a] script: - echo "This job deploys something." environment: production 示例子流水线 b 配置,位于 /b/.gitlab-ci.yml 中,使用 DAG needs 关键字: stages: - build - test - deploy image: alpine build_b: stage: build script: - echo "This job builds something else." test_b: stage: test needs: [build_b] script: - echo "This job tests something else." deploy_b: stage: deploy needs: [test_b] script: - echo "This job deploys something else." environment: production